Ultrasonography utilizing the Doppler effect is a procedure used to assess the patency and morphology of our bodie’s vascular system. Within the last several years the Doppler imaging has undeniably revolutionized the way we approach vascular diseases, particularly those concerning the venous system. It is hard to imagine modern phlebology without Doppler ultrasonography. With the use of high resolution probes, as well as those allowing for reaching deep areas of the body, we are able to obtain an image of almost any structure. Moreover, the imaging happens in real time, without the iodine contrast agents or any side effects caused by the ultrasound waves.
Modern ultrasonography is presently used as a routine examination in treating venous insufficiency with the use of the newest methods, both minimally invasive and classic surgical ones.
Moreover, the more and more popular method of local anaesthetic infiltration (i.e. tumescent anaesthesia), commonly used in modern phlebology, should also be performed under ultrasonographic imaging.


In the Clinic of Phlebology – NASMED we offer a full range of USG examinations, especially the Doppler imaging of both venous and arterial systems. Some examinations require a certain preparation on the part of the Patient. Which is why in the PRICE LIST tab they were marked with a black asterisk (*). Below you will find the valuable instructions to read before undergoing these examinations.
Follow these instructions unless the physician states otherwise:
– 24 hours before the scheduled USG examination it is recommended to eat light and take Espumisan (3-4 capsules 3 times a day); this medicine is administered to remove gas from bowels
– 6 hours before the scheduled examination you can drink small amounts of still mineral water, you should stop eating solid foods and limit smoking
– if you have a tendency for constipation you should refrain from eating solid foods even 48 hours before the examination
– patients who require a reliable assessment of pelvis minor organs, especially those who were referred for USG examination of prostate or the urinary system, need to have their bladder properly filled. To obtain this they should drink as much still mineral water as they possibly can (1-1.5 litres) 2 hours before the examination and refrain from urinating until after the examination.
General remark (concerning all imaging examinations): On the day of the examination the patient should bring all the previous results of the USG examinations. If you have other medical documents (also other imaging results) that might be significant for the scheduled examination, please bring it as well.
You will find the full list of USG examinations, including Doppler USG, performed in the Clinic of Phlebology – NASMED under the tab PRICE LIST USG. Information about radiological consultations including additional modes of imaging (RTG, CT, MRI) can be found under RADIOLOGICAL CONSULTATION.

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ultrasound diagnostics