Ladies and Gentelmen, due to the growing interest of doctorsin Poland in the subject of diagnostics and minimally invasive treatment of venous diseases, the team of NASMED Phlebology Clinic in Warsaw has prepared for You an pffer of specialised trainings in this area.

Basic course („Compression sclerotherapy: diagnostics, qualification, methods of treatment”), having the accreditation of Polish Society of Phlebology, takes place regularly 3 times a year and refers to a broad issue, which is the treatment of venous insufficiency using minimally invasive of chemical techniques obliteration. It covers among others basics of Doppler diagnostics of lower limbs venous system, principles of qualification for compression sclerotherapy treatment, issues of compressiontherapy supporting sclerotherapy treatment, practical exercises on phantoms, and independently performed procedures of obliteration involving patients under the supervision of trainers.

The basic course will enable you to first of all to master the rules for qualification of patients for the treatment with different methods of compression sclerotherapy and the art of the proper performance of microsclerotherapy procedures (with use of foamed of fluid sclerosants) and injection sclerotherapy using foam under the control of ultrasound (so called injection sclerotherapy).

After completing the basic course, doctors more broadly interested in the subject may join the additional personalized courses, that upon prior reservation of terms take place in the NASMED clinic. The course is carried out during two-day training under the supervision of specialists belonging to our phlebology team.

A comprehensive list of courses along with their detailed themes can be found under TRAINING PROGRAM. All doctors who registers in our system are offered the access to TRAINING ZONE.

Ladies and Gentelmen,
please be advised that the number of compression sclerotherapy course participants for 03-04.03.2017 has already been exhausted. In the near future we will inform you about the next courses dates.

The NASMED phlebology clinic team